Server Status: Online Unique Players Active: 2 + 13 Autotraders Server Time: 13:59 - 10/22/2024

Rules and Terms of Service

Preamble: The better everyone follows the below rules, the less time me and the staff need to spend on policing and discipline. This means faster development, more events and engagement, and an overall better experience for everyone. Help us to not waste your time, by not wasting ours. Thank you and enjoy your experience here!


This section contains all of the general server configurations and rules for both in game and discord conduct. The goal is to foster a community of integrity, competition, and engagement. We all share a common hobby, Ragnarok Online, and that should bring us together and not divide us. These rules are general and intended to be guiding principals more than a strict code of conduct. We do not oppose players taking on a villain's persona and we are not here to teach you what your parents' should have already taught you. The community will judge you and mete out its justice as necessary.

However, egregious, destructive, and intentionally harmful behavior will not be tolerated either on the Ragnarok Timelines Discord or in game. It is the Staff's determination as to what constitutes this behavior and the severity of any discipline will be proportionate to the issue and harm caused. Discipline is not limited to muting or temporary bans. 

Please follow the rules and enjoy Ragnarok Timelines!

Ingame Rules

  1. Follow all directions from Staff members.
  2. Follow the policies for macros and multiclienting detailed below.
  3. All accounts must be properly linked per the Discord policy, see below section.
  4. Do not impersonate Staff either explicitly or implicitly. All Staff have yellow name tags and are a part of the Ragnarok Timelines Staff guild.  
  5. No botting, no hacking, no scamming, no real money trading, no bug abusing, no packet manipulation/sniffing/data scraping.
  6. Intentional and malicious griefing is not allowed. This includes mob dropping, kill stealing, path blocking, excessive holding of mobs, and any other behavior that directly and negatively impacts other players.
  7. GRF edits may be allowed with Staff approval. Submit a support request including a link to your GRF or DM a Staff member for review. Use of alternate GRFs without approval is not allowed.
  8. MvPs, including ghost-versions, are Free for All. All tactics may be employed with the aim of defeating the MvP. However, intentionally killing other players (e.g. mob dropping, buffing the MvP) is strongly discouraged and may be treated as harassment in certain cases.
  9. Harassment will not be tolerated. Break the fourth wall and attack someone for non-game related things and there will be consequences.

Discord Rules

  1. Follow all directions from Staff members.
  2. Do not impersonate Staff either explicitly or implicitly. All Staff have the "Staff" role as viewed in a member's details.
  3. Post in appropriate channels.
  4. Follow all channel specific rules.
  5. When considering if something is appropriate to say, ask yourself if you would shout it out in the middle of a supermarket in your home town. If not, then don't say it.
  6. The Discord server is intended as a form of two way communication.  One way communication between Users shall take place via DM and not on the public server.

Multi Client Policy

Timelines has been designed to be as single client-friendly as possible. Bless/agi scrolls, endow NPCs, a wide range of maps for many different class and build types, empowering of additional support archetypes for parties, and additional items, are all available to aid your experience here. Still, we recognize that there are situations where running a dual client is especially helpful.
Dual clienting is allowed within reason, however, engagement of other players must be considered. This will be a judgement by Staff.

Examples of disallowed multiclient behavior

  1. Forming a party of only your clients on a map which has other parties present
  2. Using many clients simultaneously to boost leveling speed or to gain access to areas which require a specific number of party members (for example, Thanatos Tower Upper Floors)
  3. Multiclienting in WoE for in-castle advantage
  4. Using a client to grief other players during MvPing while attempting to complete the MvP fight on other characters

Examples of allowed multiclient behavior

  1. Transferring items between your auto trade merchant and your main account
  2. Using an aco or priest to warp your guild and yourself to a castle during WoE
  3. Using your own priest to cast bless/gloria during forging or brewing

Note that auto following has been disabled on Timelines. Bypassing this restriction shall be treated as client/packet manipulation and handled accordingly.

Macro Policy

Gaming and gaming hardware have come a long way since Ragnarok Online launched in 2002. Rapid fire keys, combo macros, and button remapping are all common place in modern gaming including in competitive gaming. As such, we will not take a hard stance against all macros. This policy is intended to provide a measure of quality of life that will cover most macro usage.

Macros that Are Allowed

  • Re-binding keys using keyboard or mouse software. For example, making a mouse button your button for teleporting
  • Rapid fire of a single skill. For example, binding a key to rapidly spam double strafe
  • Creating a macro to quickly process through a skill and its associated menu options. For example, binding a single key to use prepare potion, and to press enter twice to select the potion type and to create the potion. Note: this may be combined with rapid fire to, for example, spam creation of white potions.

Macros that Are Not Allowed

  • Setting a macro to automatically activate upon some in game condition. For example, a macro that automatically uses potions when your HP is at a set value. (Relies on reading in game information/packets)
  • Setting a macro that causes your character to move. (Will be considered botting)
  • Setting a macro that processes two or more unique skills. For example a macro that swaps to an instrument, plays bragi, swaps to a dagger, swaps back to the instrument, and then plays apples.

The player must be able to stop the macro at any time and must remain at his or her computer. Macro's involving multiple clients are strictly not allowed. For example, a macro that causes a player's wizard to cast stormgust on a spot repeatedly while the player uses another client to drag mobs into the stormgust is not allowed. You may however set a macro to continue to cast stormgust through holding a rapid fire key, while eating a sandwich with your freehand.

Discord Account Linking Policy

All players are required to have a Discord account linked to their game account. You will be asked for your discord tag during account registration. The Discord account shall match the one that you are using on the Ragnarok Timelines discord server. Discord has taken the place of common communication channels such as forums and email and we have opted to embrace this for easier communication and resolution of in-game issues and support tickets. We have further integrated this link into various server functions. Just as registering without an email address in the past would leave a player unable to delete characters, registering without a Discord account will leave you unable to access certain server features, both existing and planned. Think of your Discord tag as the username for your master account!

Player accounts found to not be linked to a valid Discord tag and present on the Ragnarok Timelines Discord may be suspended until the issue is resolved.

If you find your Discord account name is already registered by someone other than yourself, contact the Staff immediately for resolution.

When registering multiple accounts, you are required to use the same Discord account. Accounts found to be owned by the same player and registered under different Discord accounts will be suspended until corrected. Accounts found to be registered to another player's Discord account will be deleted.  The Staff reserves the right to deny service to any users with Discord accounts created within a certain recent window.

Thank you!

Terms of Service

1. Acceptance of Terms

By accessing or using Ragnarok Timelines website, Discord server, or game, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service (ToS), all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing Ragnarok Timelines.

2. Description of Service

Ragnarok Timelines provides an online gaming platform where users can play, interact, and compete in a virtual world.  Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any new features enhancing the current service shall be subject to the ToS.

3. Registration Obligations

To use Ragnarok Timelines, you may be required to register with the service and provide information about yourself. You agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information as prompted by the service's registration form.

4. User Conduct and Termination of Services

You agree to use Ragnarok Timelines in accordance with the rules outlined above and within the Discord server rules section.  Failure to follow the service rules may result in immediate revocation of access to the services.  Ragnarok Timelines and its Staff are not obligated to provide the reason for termination of service or to provide advanced warning of termination of services.  The User has the right to request a review of their case by submitting a request directly to the Staff and may provide evidence supporting their case; however the Staff's decision is final in all cases. If you wish to terminate this Agreement or your Ragnarok Timelines account, you may simply discontinue use of the service.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

All intellectual propery rights for the Ragnarok Timelines website are protected by international copyright and intellectual property laws.  The game service intellectual property rights are granted under the terms of a GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.  

7. Disclaimer of Warranties

The service is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Ragnarok Timelines expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

8. Limitation of Liability

In no event shall Ragnarok Timelines or its Staff be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, including without limitation, loss of profits, data, use, goodwill, or other intangible losses, resulting from your access to or use of or inability to access or use the service.

9. General Conditions

We reserve the right to modify or terminate the Ragnarok Timelines service for any reason, without notice, at any time. We reserve the right to alter these ToS at any time. If the alterations constitute a material change to the ToS, we will notify you via the Ragnarok Timelines Discord server.

10. Data Retention and Protection Policy

Creation of an Account on the Ragnarok Timelines service requires submittal of several pieces of user data including a user name, password, email address, and Discord tag.  All information is used to verify your identity when using the service and to ensure your secure access to the service.  Your email address and Discord tag may be used to respond to User requests for information or for automated services such as password resets.  

The User agrees that Ragnarok Timelines may retain their information including logs of access to the service.  The User's information will be kept on the Ragnarok Timelines server hosted in the United States of America in a secure form, accessible only by the Server Administrator.  Sanitized logs may be transmitted to Ragnarok Timelines Staff as part of User rules violation investigations.  The User's information will not be shared with third parties of any kind, except in the case of legal obligations valid in the United States of America.  

Questions or requests related to this policy may be addressed to the Server Administrator via the Ragnarok Timelines Discord server.

By using the services, the User agrees to and fully consents to the terms of service and data retention and protection policy.