Server Status: Online Unique Players Active: 12 + 14 Autotraders Server Time: 23:20 - 07/02/2024

Viewing Monster

#3994: Ghost of Dark Lord

Monster ID 3994 Sprite Ghost_of_Dark_Lord
kRO Name Ghost of Dark Lord Custom Yes
iRO Name Ghost of Dark Lord HP 720,000
Size Large SP 0
Race Demon Level 80
Element Undead (Lv 4) Speed 100
Experience 171,560 Attack 2,800~3,320
Job Experience 70,090 Defense 30
MVP Experience 0 Magic Defense 70
Attack Delay 868 ms Attack Range 2
Attack Motion 768 ms Spell Range 10
Delay Motion 0 ms Vision Range 12
100% Hit 220 95% Flee 254
Monster Mode
  • Can Move
  • Aggressive
  • Cast Sensor Idle
  • Boss
  • Can Attack
  • Detector
  • Cast Sensor Chase
  • Change Chase
  • Change Target Melee
  • Change Target Chase
Monster Stats
STR 1 AGI 120 VIT 30
INT 118 DEX 99 LUK 60

Ghost of Dark Lord Item Drops

Item ID Item Name Drop Chance
1615 Evil Bone Wand 2%
2004 Kronos 0.2%
1237 Grimtooth 0.8%
2334 Mage Coat 1%
2507 Ancient Cape 0.4%
985 Elunium 24%
5162 Bone Helm 0.1%
7620 Enriched Oridecon 8%

Ghost of Dark Lord on maps

Not found on any map. This monster might be:
  1. not implemented yet
  2. used in quests, or
  3. summoned as slave by other monsters

Monster Skills for “Ghost of Dark Lord”

Name Level State Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable Target Condition Value
Ghost of Dark Lord@AL_TELEPORT 1 Idle 100% 0s 0s Yes Self rudeattacked None
Ghost of Dark Lord@AL_TELEPORT 1 Walk 50% 0s 5s Yes Self rudeattacked None
Ghost of Dark Lord@NPC_AGIUP 3 Attack 100% 0s 30s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 30
Ghost of Dark Lord@MG_FIREWALL 10 Chase 20% 0.5s 5s No Target always None
Ghost of Dark Lord@NPC_CALLSLAVE 1 Attack 100% 0s 30s Yes Self always None
Ghost of Dark Lord@NPC_CALLSLAVE 1 Idle 100% 0s 30s Yes Self always None
Ghost of Dark Lord@NPC_HELLJUDGEMENT 5 Chase 100% 0.8s 10s No Self always None
Ghost of Dark Lord@NPC_HELLJUDGEMENT 5 Attack 100% 0.8s 10s No Self always None
Ghost of Dark Lord@NPC_DARKBLESSING 1 Attack 5% 0.8s 5s No Target always None
Ghost of Dark Lord@NPC_HELMBRAKE 10 Attack 20% 0.5s 5s No Target always None
Ghost of Dark Lord@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE 3 Attack 100% 0.7s 10s No Self slavele 3
Ghost of Dark Lord@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE 3 Idle 100% 0.7s 10s No Self slavele 3
Ghost of Dark Lord@WZ_METEOR 11 Attack 50% 0.5s 2s No Target always None
Ghost of Dark Lord@WZ_METEOR 11 Chase 50% 0.5s 2s No Target skillused 18
Ghost of Dark Lord@WZ_METEOR 11 Chase 50% 0.5s 2s No Target always None